Back to Old Ways

It feels as if it's been so long since I've attempted to have a public conversation or dialogue.  Months ago, I pretty much left social media because I realized that it was consuming way too much of my time.  Making the personal decision to leave social media (primarily Facebook) also meant that the number of postings to our practice page would drastically drop.  Other than the occasional share from an outside news source to the page, there hasn't really been anything in months.  For a split second (actually, right before this blog entry), I contemplated logging back into Facebook so that I could resume sharing some of the cool thoughts and happenings going on at the office.  But, the truth is, I'm really no longer a big fan of social media and my need or desire to engage with it is decreasing by the day.

So, with that being said, I am going to revisit some of the things from the past that seemed to work just fine.  Sure.  Posting blog entries won't be as quick or "fun" as posting memes or sharing viral content.  But, hopefully, it will be more informative and less anxiety producing given that there is no negativity surrounding it.

If you've been a patient of mine for any lengthy period of time, then you know that my professional and personal lives often times mirror one another.  And so! Just as I'm reverting to old(er) ways in regard to how I'll be communicating publicly, this step back is playing out in both spheres - professionally and personally.  

You don't have to subscribe to anything to benefit from this blog.  However, it would be great if you did subscribe to the newsletter and cards so that we can share more private/personal information with you.  Some things just aren't for the internet.  

Until then, "be well" and we'll talk again soon!

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611 E Weber Rd.,
Suite 100,
Columbus, OH 43211




9:00 am - 6:00 pm




9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm



